DRAMATERAPIJA Red. prof. dr.sc. Anna Seymoure, PFHEA HCPC

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Anna Seymour redovna je profesorica MA studija dramaterapije na Sveučilištu Roehampton u Londonu i registrirana dramatherapeutkinja pri Health and Care Professions Council, UK  Međunarodna je edukatorica i savjetnica za nekoliko programa dramatrapije u cijelom svijetu. S iskustvom u profesionalnom kazalištu za zajednice, specijalizirala se za podučavanje terapijskog teatra i istraživanje odnosa između politike, kazališne estetike i dramaterapije. Urednica je serije Dramaterapija: pristupa odnosima, kritičkim idejama (Routledge / Taylor i Francis).

Novije publikacije:

Andersen Warren, M. & Seymour (forthcoming.) A Dramatherapy and Theatre, Routledge Taylor and Francis


2018: Seymour, A.  How does contemporary theatre help us to ‘reach beyond the fourth wall’ in our therapeutic performance practice? Keynote speaker, North American Dramatherapy Association, Conference.

2018: Seymour, A. The wounded healer: How dramatherapy might help us find solace. Keynote speaker, Panhellenic Association for Dramatherapists and Playtherapists International Conference: Resilience through Trauma – The Wounded-Healer Archetype Athens 2018

2018: Seymour, A. Countertransference: a Dramatherapist’s perspective on the wounded healer. Keynote Speaker: Countertransference: Contemporary relational views of the therapists use of ‘Self’:  A Myriad of Mirrors, Conference. University of Roehampton, London.

2017: Holloway, P., Seebohm, H. & Seymour, A. “Thesis, antithesis, synthesis: new articulations of stasis and change” Ecarte, Krakow 2017

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