Predstavljanje sveučilišta East Carolina University, SAD gostujućeg profesora Trenta Blantona

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Pozivamo Vas na Predstavljanje sveučilišta East Carolina University, SAD gostujućeg profesora Trenta Blantona
pon 8. svibnja, u 12 sati
Svečana dvorana AUKOS
Novopotpisanim ugovorom o suradnji ECU otvara velike mogućnosti suradnje i
studijskih putovanja u SAD pojedinačnih nastavnika AUKOS-a, kreiranje i
realizaciju zajedničkih projekata.
Sadržaj predavanja:
Introduction to East Carolina University, for Visiting Scholars and Opportunities for
Cultivating International Collaborations in Research and Creative Projects in the
Arts and Communications.
1. Introduction to ECU, the College of Fine Arts & Communication and the town
of Greenville, North Carolina.
2. Information on international scholars program and funding opportunities for
the visiting scholars.
3. Opportunities for collaboration and research, both in person and online with
members of the faculty at ECU.
4. Live interaction with Jayme Host into the meeting to give a welcome
message from the ECU School of Theatre & Dance.
5. Additional greetings from other faculty members from ECU.
6. Question and answer session.


Pozivnica predstavljanje američkog sveučilišta ECU
