/ InterScArt

/ InterScArt - Centre for Art and Science Research

Goals, methods and organisational structure

The Centre for Art and Science Research (InterScArt) is an infrastructural and methodological support to all art and science-research projects of the Academy. Its activities are the result of the great variability of scientific and artistic work at our institution. The function of the Centre is, therefore, documentary, project oriented and innovative in order to improve the scientific position of the institution in general and project assignments of its members in artistic-teaching or scientific-teaching grades. During the next period, we wish to make the Centre the starting point and organisational drive of the scientific work at the Academy, i.e. to be the meeting point of all the initiatives that represent our institution as the place of top contemporary scientific production. The Centre will provide professional and logistical support to all the departments when organising scientific meetings and guest lectures, publishing books and when working on scientific research in general. The Centre will function according to the following models:

ScArtLab – includes monthly lectures and methodological workshops dedicated to different aspects of scientific-research and artistic-research work;

ScArtBar – includes discussions with prominent artists and scientists, especially those whose areas of research are interdisciplinary, dealing with the arts, theory and science;

ScArtPress – organises and publishes different handbooks dedicated to methodology of artistic and/or scientific research for various disciplines and fields that are represented at the Academy;

ScArtArch – creates the database of science and art projects of the Academy, i.e. the archives of implemented projects along their abstracts;

ScArtHub – organises conferences and/or round tables that discuss interdisciplinary and postdisciplinary position of contemporary art.