Japanese budo, physical training and creative training

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The programme implies an introduction to kinaesthetic, motor and performance patterns of Japanese budo, both in theoretical and practical sense. Many directors, theatre and dance teachers of the 20th century used the principles of Japanese martial and therapeutic arts in the creation of their own acting and performative methods. Some of the most famous are Jerzy Grotowski, Peter Brook, Eugenio Barba or Phillip Zarrilli. In such a model, the traditional Asian practice is often simplified and sometimes even altered in terms of their organic habitus, the essence of their kinaesthetic process. Nonetheless, the influence of the Asian arts, primarily in terms of performative proprioception and motor skills, i.e. in terms of basic biotic movements, on the modern performative systems is great indeed. That is why the Academy of Arts and Culture has decided to launch a programme which would show its students the basic motor and kinaesthetic processes which can enrich any form of movement, on the stage or in everyday situations of performance.

Students will be able to critically review the different systems of Japanese budo and view the movement structures that we find within in the context of their own performative practice, i.e. their own acting-performative research. On the other hand, they will be able to put such concepts in a context in many everyday processes which require performative skill, such as public performance and so on. Also, they will be able to create their own model of proprioceptive, kinaesthetic and basic motor training for the performative, acting or any other more or less systematic process, i.e. to “program” some principles of Japanese martial and therapeutic arts into their own performative practice, in almost all their stages from preparation to the very performance. The target group of the programme therefore includes: professional and amateur dances, actors and actresses, performance artists, choreographers, all those who are interested in movement or performance and kinaesthesia and others. There are no physical requirements.
