Communication aspects of costume design with a classification analysis of how theatre costumes are designed

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Head of project: Prof. Jasmina Pacek, Ph.D.

Applicant component: Academy of Arts in Osijek

Guest researcher:

– Ivan Fuller

Research guest institution:

– Rider University, Westminster College of the Arts, Lawrencewille, NY, USA


Project description:

The main goal of this project was to establish a new classification that represents a systematization of how theatre costumes are designed. A global lack of systematic knowledge and classification of theatrical costume design and their communication properties is evident, which would result in a higher education textbook, which would be a significant contribution to the development of art-research and interdisciplinary costume methodology, as well as theatrical analytics of theatrical art. Theatrical costume can have a communication aspect such as the presence / visibility / recognisability of an epoch / tradition / subculture in costume whereby there are five categories: epoch respect, epoch recognition, epoch blending, costume that does not relate to any epoch and costume that relates to all epochs.


