/ Psychological Counselling Centre

The Psychological Counselling Centre provides help and support to the students and employees of the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek. The main activities include individual counselling and the organisation of various workshops and lectures.

The Centre offers help regarding personal and professional development. Some of the most common reasons for seeking help include self-dissatisfaction, the inability to fulfil academic obligations (inefficient learning, lack of concentration, low level or lack of motivation, test anxiety, etc.), communication and social relations problems.

Ensuring trust and personal data protection, the Centre provides individual counselling, attempting to determine the cause of the problem and facilitate the definition of goals and ways of attaining them when faced with the problem.

The course of the work and the approximate number of meetings is determined by a joint decision. In case of serious problems, the users of the Centre can seek the help of other experts.

In order to ensure an efficient approach and arrange the initial meeting, please contact the Centre by email (psihološko.savjetovalište@aukos.hr) or come to the office of the Centre (room 20, 1st floor of the Department of Music, Tuesdays 12:00-13:00).