Re-accreditation of the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

Pursuant to the Act on Quality Assurance in Science and Higher Education and the Ordinance on the Content of a Licence and Conditions for Issuing a Licence for Performing Higher Education Activity, Carrying out a Study Programme and Re-Accreditation of Higher Education Institutions, the Agency for Science and Higher Education carries out re-accreditation of higher education institutions. All public and private higher education institutions have to undergo a periodical re-accreditation every 5 years.

The Accreditation Council of the Agency for Science and Higher Education has adopted the 2020 Higher Education Institutions Re-Accreditation Plan which includes the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek.

Here, one can find more about the procedure, quality assurance standards and the new model of re-accreditation of institutions of higher education in general: