Taking and Editing Digital Photographs

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Students will acquire the artistic and technical knowledge and skills regarding photography.

Students will be able to apply the newly acquired knowledge in the professions which demand visual design and use of photographs as well as in their own artistic expression.

Students will learn the basic concepts of digital photography, how to work with cameras and light sources, how to prepare photographs for print or any other medium, they will learn about the types of photographs and the history of photography, emphasising the recent photographic production. Students will be able to use Adobe Photoshop computer program when editing digital photographs and they will be introduced to the basic technical principles of cameras and other photographic equipment. They will use different methods and approaches to generate ideas according to their own inclinations by applying aesthetic, composition and conceptual principles of photography.

Upon completion of the programme students will learn to create a professional portfolio of their works which will be presented at a one-day exhibition at the premises of the Academy that will be open for the public. This will provide every student with an opportunity to evaluate their photography skills and an insight into their personal artistic expression.
