The relationship between the eye and the language description while looking at a work of art

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Head of project: Prof. Vladimir Rismondo, Ph.D.

Applicant component: Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

Project duration: 12 months (April 2016 – April 2017)


Project description:

While looking, the eye performs actions that create information about the seen. It has been noticed that the work of the eye varies depending on the generational, i.e. cultural assumptions of the beholder. These differences are especially prominent when confronted with works of art which represent condensed visual stimuli. This, in turn, produces different language descriptions of work of arts. Up to now, science has not set objective parameters which would account for differences in perception and the subsequent language description. The purpose of the research is to explore the relationship between cultural, i.e. generational assumptions of interviewees and especially the relationship between the (computer recorded) scanning of the work of art done by the eye and the language description of the same work of art.

