/ Popularisation of Science

Popular Science Lectures 2023/2024

The intention of the popularisation of science at the Academy of Arts and Culture is to disseminate knowledge about research, education, research methods and projects; to increase the awareness of the importance of science; to encourage curiosity and motivate research, learning and the presentation of scientists. Participating in lectures, panel discussions, workshops or exhibitions, researchers and scientists try to make science and scientific research popular. They present research methods and projects so that students and the general public could become aware of the importance of scientific research in institutions of science, education and heritage.

April 22, 2024

Lecture: “Brendiranje kulturne baštine”

Meri Vesanović and Lucija Biličić, Muze d.o.o. za savjetovanje i upravljanje u kulturi i turizmu

April 19, 2024

Lecture: “Naslijeđa kroz vrijeme: 300 godina palače Slavonske Generalkomande u Osijeku”

associate professor Margareta Turkalj Podmanicki, PhD, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

March 21, 2024

Lecture: “Cenzura, propaganda i naručitelji umjetničkih djela - iskustva istraživanja na znanstvenim projektima ARIS u Sloveniji”

associate professor Franci Lazarini, PhD, Department of Art History, University of Maribor, ZRC SAZU, France Stele Institute of Art History, Ljubljana, Slovenia

January 22, 2024

Lecture: “Obrnuta učionica (Flipped Classroom) - Model za aktivno učenje i kritičko poučavanje”

assistant professor Lana Skender, PhD, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

December 15, 2023

Lecture: “Metode istraživanja i prezentacije kulturne baštine Gorjana”

Irena Pauk Sili, conservator, art historian, Croatian Conservation Institute

December 6, 2023

Lecture: “Suvremena hrvatska drama u poljskom kontekstu”

associate professor Leszek Małczak, dr. hab., Faculty of Humanities, University of Silesia in Katowice

November 23, 2023

Lecture: “Znanost i umjetnost doživljaja hrane”

Daniela Angelina Jelinčić, PhD, Institute for Development and International Relations

November 21, 2023

Lecture: “Radio u informacijski zasićenom medijskom okolišu”

tenured full professor Marina Mučalo, PhD, Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb

November 9, 2023

Lecture: “Prostor i vrijeme istraživanja jedne slike”

retired full professor Zvonko Maković, PhD, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the University of Zagreb

October 27, 2023

Lecture: “Digitalne tehnologije - produžena stvarnost kulturne baštine”

Mario Mikić-Vučak, bacc. ing. el., Culex d.o.o.

Toni Podmanicki, lecturer, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

October 5, 2023

Lecture: “Intencije u arhitekturi”

Andrija Mutnjaković, fellow of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts


Popular Science Lectures 2022/2023

The intention of the popularisation of science at the Academy of Arts and Culture is to disseminate knowledge about research, education, research methods and projects; to increase the awareness of the importance of science; to encourage curiosity and motivate research, learning and the presentation of scientists. Participating in lectures, panel discussions, workshops or exhibitions, researchers and scientists try to make science and scientific research popular. They present research methods and projects so that students and the general public could become aware of the importance of scientific research in institutions of science, education and heritage.

May 23, 2023

Lecture: “Etička načela: plagiranje i kršenje prava intelektualnog vlasništva”

associate professor Dubravka Klasiček, PhD, Chair of Civil Law and Civil Procedure Law, Faculty of Law in Osijek

April, 25, 2023

Lecture: “Digitalno u humanistici i društvenim znanostima - od baza podataka do istraživačkih podataka”

Marta Radoš, senior librarian, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

March 28, 2023

Lecture: “Znanstvena suradnja u okviru Erasmus+ mobilnosti”

assistant professor Katarina Žeravica, PhD, Department of Creative Techologies, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

February 28, 2023

Lecture: “Održiva tranzicija i cirkularna ekonomija”

assistant professor Mirela Holy, PhD, head of the Department of Cyber Communications and Network Sciences, VERN University, Zagreb

January 31, 2023

Lecture: “Istraživački projekt HRZZ: Analiza sustava u krizi i nove svijesti u književnosti 21. stoljeća: od ideje do provedbe”

assistant professor Sonja Novak, PhD, Department of German Language and Literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek

January 17, 2023

Lecture: “Istraživanje provenijencije umjetnina plemićkih zbirki istočne Hrvatske - suradnja na projektu Hrvatske zaklade za znanost”

associate professor Jasminka Najcer Sabljak, PhD, Department of Visual and Media Arts, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek

Silvija Lučevnjak, professor of comparative literature and art history, librarian, Local History Museum of Našice

December 20, 2022

Lecture: “Umjetnost i politika / Umjetnost i država (prijava, odobrenje, provedba, rezultati)”

full professor Dragan Damjanović, PhD, Department of History of Art, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb

Croatian Science Foundation

November 8, 2022

Lecture: “Kultura kao četvrti stup održivog razvoja? Principi, politike i prakse”

Jaka Primorac, PhD, senior scientific associate, Institute for Development and International Relations, Zagreb