/ About the programme
The postgraduate specialist study programme “Public Relations and Communication Studies” offers a critical analysis of the scientific theory and an advanced understanding of the practice and issues encountered when managing public relations and communicating with public institutions of culture and creative industries, business companies and organisations in the public and civil sectors. The new generation of PR and corporate communication managers and associates, working in creative industries and culture as well as in the public, private and civil sectors, are in need of a higher level of knowledge about communication, management and strategy in order to be able to make complex decisions and successfully carry out various projects in the dynamic national and international environment of the media, economy and cultural / creative institutions and organisations. This study programme provides students with a new level of specific knowledge and skills demanded by the new information and communication technologies and digital society. This will improve their chances at the labour market and ensure sustainable careers.
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1st Julije Knifer Forum – How does art concern us?
The central theme and general question we ask at the first Julije Knifer Forum is “How does art concern us?”. With this seemingly very simple…
Article by Srećko Jurišić Pink is the New Red, in a new issue of New Theories journal
Srećko Jurišić Pink is the New Red
International Scientific and Artistic Symposium on Pedagogy in the Arts – Innovative Teaching Methods in the Arts
Programme Symposium-invitation Application Writing instructions (Abstract and Paper)
Međunarodni festival kazališnih akademija “Schau! Spiel! – LabLinz” u Austriji
Studenti II.godine preddiplomskog studija glume i lutkarstva su u pratnji profesora doc. art. Veronike Hardy i doc. art. Jasmina Novljakovića sudjelovali od 31.1.2020. do 2.2.2020….
Vrhunski umjetnik Matija Ferlin održao majstorsku radionicu “Koreodrama” na Odsjeku za kazališnu umjetnost
U subotu 25. siječnja prva generacija diplomskog studija Neverbalnog teatra predstavila se kroz prezentaciju majstorske radionice Koreodrama pod umjetničkim vodstvom Matije Ferlina. Jedanaestero studenata vrlo…