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Yeva Feldman, MSc, ADMP UK, UKCP is a dance movement psychotherapist and a Gestalt therapist with over 20 years of clinical experience working with groups and individuals in mental health settings and in private practice. She is an experienced clinical supervisor working with individuals and groups.  Over the last 15 years she has developed a group approach integrating Gestalt and DMT for women with Anorexia Nervosa.  She has presented research based on this approach at the UKCP research conference in 2012 and published a ‘Gestalt and dance movement psychotherapy in adults with eating disorders: Moving towards integration through practice and research in Payne, H. (Ed.) (2017),Essentials of Dance Movement Psychotherapy: International Perspectives on Theory, Research and Practice. She co-directs the MA Dance Movement Psychotherapy Programme at the University of Roehampton and presents and teaches internationally. Additional publications include: ‘How body psychotherapy influenced me to become a dance movement psychotherapist’ in Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy Journal in 2015;  ‘Forward’ in Unkovich, G., Butte, C. & Butler, J. (Eds.) (2017) Dance Movement Psychotherapy with People with Learning Disabilities; ‘Building resilience: Developing somatic and relational resources in a Gestalt Movement Therapy group for women with borderline personality disorder and histories of profound trauma’, In A. Chesner & S. Lykou (Eds.) (In Press) Trauma in the Creative and Embodied Therapies: When Words Are Not Enough.