/ Introduction to Portrait Drawing

Portrait drawing is one of the basic drawing skills tested by the entrance exams of fine arts academies. Therefore, there is a great demand for programmes of this kind. Besides the future students of the formal fine arts programmes, amateur artists also wish to learn and improve their skills of portrait drawing. This programme is for many self-taught “designers” using some form of computer illustration that involves human anatomy who have never had the opportunity to pursue some formal fine arts education. It is also for many fine arts teachers working in nursery, primary and secondary schools who wish to improve their knowledge of portrait drawing in order to be able to analyse face anatomy and facial expressions as part of their work with children. Then, there are puppet theatres and puppet designers who need portrait drawing for the design of puppet heads. Lifelong learning programmes like these confront the prejudice that drawing is a matter of talent alone. Drawing requires the development of certain techniques and technologies as well as the organisation of the work process. The skill of portrait drawing can be acquired and developed. That is why the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, due to its Department of Visual and Media Arts, is the most qualified institution in the region to carry out such a programme of lifelong learning.

Programme duration: 15 hours.

The Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek does not impose special enrolment conditions. The programme is intended for amateur and professional artists.

Upon completion of this programme students will be able to:

  • differentiate and use different characteristics of a given drawing medium in order to execute a portrait
  • express the main anatomical relations
  • draw from observation
  • create a fine arts portfolio

Programme fee: 159,00 EUR (1,200,00 HRK). The fee includes the cost of the certificate which certifies that the student has completed the programme.

The enrolment process ends once the group is full, setting the date for the beginning of the teaching process.

For additional information, contact Dražena Stanković, the manager of the Study Organisation Office of the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek (dstankovic.aukos@gmail.com or +385 99 312 6192).



Dražena Stanković

phone: (031) 224 241 (office hours of the Academy: 7:00 - 15:00)

e-mail: drazena.stankovic@aukos.hr