/ During mobility
Changes to your original Learning Agreement
- If you wish to change one or more than courses, you can do it. We advise you to do it within a month of your arrival at the Academy.
- Once you have decided what courses you would like to change, it is extremely important that you notify the Erasmus coordinator at your home University and at the Academy about the changes. After they have agreed on the proposed changes, you can list the changes in your Learning Agreement in the section “During the Mobility”. After you have listed the changes in your Learning Agreement both Erasmus coordinators sign the changes and, in this way, verify that the changes have been accepted by both institutions.
Courses at the Academy
- All the courses that you have selected and listed in your Learning Agreement for Studies will be taught in English.
- Incoming students select and attend courses at the Department according to their specialisation or focus.
- If incoming students want to choose courses from other Departments that are not according to their specialization, they have to first contact the Erasmus coordinator at the Academy and see if they can attend them.
- Due to the limited capacity of some of the courses an approval from the respective course teacher is required prior to the registration for the course. Please contact the Erasmus coordinator at the Academy about this.
- You can also attend courses at the Academy and at some other faculty within the University of Osijek. In that case, also keep in mind the timetables and that you have enough time to attend the selected courses.
Croatian Language Course for Foreigners
- The University of Osijek organizes Croatian Language Course for Foreigners held by one of the teachers of Croatian language and literature from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Osijek
- The same course is held in winter and summer semester and if you are staying for entire year in Osijek, you can take this course only once, either in winter or in summer semester
- This is a course created especially for Erasmus students where you can learn the basics of Croatian language (A1 and A2 levels) and get to know some of your Erasmus colleagues
- You can choose this course and list it in your Learning Agreement together with the courses you would like to attend at the Academy
- This course is worth 6 ECTS credits
Taking exams
- Exam periods are scheduled at the end of each semester.
- Before you take any exam please come to the Student Affairs Office and contact Josip Horvat (jhorvat@uaos.hr) who will give you exam applications.
- You should give exam applications to the teachers who were in charge of the courses you attended at the Academy. Every teacher should sign and write a grade in your exam application.
- Exam applications are in the Croatian language and if you need any assistance with filling them in, please talk to, either Josip Horvat at the Student Affairs Office, the Erasmus coordinator, or the teachers you have worked with at the Academy.
- Please keep in mind that you have to complete all the assigned tasks before you leave Osijek. Teachers are the ones who determine whether you have completed all the tasks and whether your work can be graded or not.
Student survey
- At the end of your mobility Student Affairs Office will give you a student survey with questions regarding your mobility and your stay at the Academy in Osijek. We kindly ask you to take several minutes to fill it out. We value your opinion and your answers, impressions and suggestions what to change and/or improve are of great importance to us.