/ Enrolment
Welcome to the web page dedicated to the enrolment in the undergraduate, graduate and postgraduate study programmes of the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek. The page provides useful links and contact details.
- Detailed information on the application procedure, documentation and deadlines for foreign students can be found at
- All candidates (EU and non-EU countries) have to complete the application procedure at:
- Registration at the portal “Postani student”:
- For additional information, please contact:
- Central Admissions Office (phone: +385 16274 844)
- Antoaneta Radočaj Jerković, the vice-dean for education and students (email: antoaneta.radocaj-jerkovic@aukos.hr / phone: +385 98 7767 36)
- Alen Biskupović, the vice-dean for study programmes (email: alen.biskupovic@aukos.hr / phone: +385 91 5133 772)
- Student Administration Office (Anastazija Delalić, email: anastazija.delalic@aukos.hr / phone: +385 31 253 301)
A Short Informative Guide: The Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek